School of dragons working codes 2019
School of dragons working codes 2019

school of dragons working codes 2019

The Pied Piper, Orpheus, and other mythical figures. I brought up commune because it very clearly assumes you are religious, to exemplify my confusion at how exactly a Bard is accessing a faith-based list despite not necessarily having any faith. That's what I meant by the class's roots. In AD&D 1e, Bards were part Fighter, part Rogue, and part Druid. I thought I read it at some point, so I looked it up. If you think that anybody's concept should be playable with any class, might as well just let all known casters choose from every spell list. Helping to keep at least some boundaries on what classes have control over what archetypes makes them feel more distinct and special, and helps newer players understand what they're signing up for when they play a class.

school of dragons working codes 2019

What you call rejecting flavor is what I call supporting class identity. I'd love to read more of your comments, if you would kindly point me to them. It's clear you aren't familiar with mythic bards, so what abilities do druids have that seem to portray the fantasy other than casting primal spells? The answer to the "how can they cast commune" is have you seen bards taking commune as a spell on their limited selection of spells known? The would cast commune if they chose it because they learned the magic to make it work. What you are doing is rejecting anyone else's idea of flavors in favor of your own.īards have been arcane spell casters since 2e so asking that sounds disingenuous. Read more of my comments on those questions I already made, maybe? :-P But even then, I could see a Druid doing about as good a job of portraying the fantasy. What is a Divine Bard, and how can it cast commune if it doesn't draw its power from faith? What is an Arcane Bard, and what sets it apart from a Wizard? To me, the only list with a solid foundation flavor-wise is Primal (which, from what I've heard, aligns with the class's roots). I just have a hard time understanding what the differences are between Bards that chose different lists. On top of my objections to the power of the choice of spell list, I don't like how much it muddies the flavor.

school of dragons working codes 2019

Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft Creatures

School of dragons working codes 2019